Team Registration and Clan Tags

Many months ago we promised team registration and clan tags as an upcoming feature of Legions. Sadly this has often ended up as a feature that has been pushed back due to other tasks taking priority and due to some developers having limited time.

Today, we're launching team registration and clan tags!

Instead of waiting for a fully polished version, we've launched something which should satisfy the needs of most teams for now. There may be bugs, and there are certainly quite a few limitations, but at least we're starting somewhere and hopefully additional functionality can be added over time.

Just go to the account management site (click "My Account" in the navigation bar at the top) and read the instructions/warnings when you login. Please read them before asking any questions!

One minor note is that player names have been reduced down to 15 characters to accommodate this change. Sorry if your old name has been chopped down a bit, however this was a necessary change to avoid problems with names becoming far too long.

Have fun with the tags!
