Duel Servers

We've added two new servers to the server list, shazbot.eu #4 and Hotswap #6 are duel servers.

Unfortunately we don't have a duel mod available yet, so both of these servers are just regular CTF servers. We understand that people want deathmatch, rabbit, duel, along with other server types, however these aren't currently ready yet. Various players have been using CTF servers for dueling which is unfair on people who wanted to play CTF, so as a temporary measure we've put up these servers.

They run FrostByte, they still have flags, but they're permanently in practice mode - the game won't start at all. This is a temporary measure until we've got the time to allocate to creating different game types. Please be nice to players on the server, if you treat this server as a deathmatch server then your account will be banned.

We kindly ask that if you want to duel - use these servers. Anyone caught dueling on CTF servers may be kicked, banned, or at worst, become Seymour's 'play doll'.
