Legions 1.40 Now On Public Test
February 08, 2013
Legions: Overdrive 1.40 has been pushed to public test. Use the channel selection drop-down when you log into the launcher today, jump in and test the new features! The full list of changes are below, but you should know some things first:
- If you have a public test folder, please delete it or you will not be able to play
- Report any/all bugs here, put your suggestions here, and general feedback here
- Elegiac is the only CTF map enabled for deployables
- FCNC and CNC are NOT in the regular public test rotation due to some outstanding bugs, but if you're around when we need it testing, the server will be briefly switching to these new game modes to hammer out these issues
- Observer mode has been left out for now and will likely be pushed in a later patch
- Teleporter art is unfinished but will be included in the final release of 1.40
- If you happen to catch a map or two of Sanctuary (the only F/CNC map), know there will be another quality pass to it before release
Get to testing! Here's the full list of updates:
- Cores
- Shield Core : passively reduces incoming damage by 20% and can be activated to absorb all weapons damage at the cost of draining energy. Fall damage, admin kills, and the map’s edge bypass the shield.
- Boost Core: increases the velocity of the player in their current movement vector at the cost of health after a brief charge time. The boost given falls off at higher velocities as the charge time increases. Do not use at a standstill or you will drain your health for nothing; always at minimum walk in the direction of desired travel first.
- Dodge Core: hurls the player a short distance in the direction of the reticle at the cost of energy. Velocity is saved upon use and is restored upon dodge completion.
- Regen Core: nerfed and restored to game.
- Engineer Core: used to deploy deployables; pressing the “Core” keybinding will bring up the engy GUI
- EM: to prevent massive deployable spam, engineers shall have a maximum weight limit which we have dubbed “Electromagnetic Signature.” All deployables have an EM cost and a player may deploy until their EM is full or the would-be deployable would exceed their maximum EM. A player’s maximum EM increases with level.
- Level: as a player’s deployables are used, they will build up experience. This XP will be transferred to the owner of the deployable upon close proximity with the deployable. As a player gains XP, they will level up and will unlock more advanced/powerful deployables. The amount of XP required to increase in level is an exponential curve with the level cap at 15. Do not expect to often reach this.
- Types: there are Turrets, Utilities, and Reactors
- List: the player has a list available to them of all their deployables which shows the status of each and allows them to remotely destroy them if they decide to make a new one. To destroy a deployable remotely from the list, click the desired deployable and click “Destroy Deployable.”
- Network Detection: engineers have a GUI element on the right side of the screen that displays the status of any nearby reactors. The progressbar at the top indicates the reactor’s current energy reserve and the number below it indicates the energy “balance” (reactor’s energy regen minus the operating energy usage of deployables connected to it).
- Loadout Changes: should a player decide they no longer wish to play as engy, they may of course switch cores at any time though doing so will destroy all owned deployables. It will NOT however remove any accrued XP. XP is only reset between games.
- Deployables
- Deployment
- Selection: To deploy an object, in the engy GUI, select the desired deployable and click “Deploy.” This will enter you into Deploy Mode where the engine will spawn a model deployable at the mouse’s current location. Clicking will attempt to deploy at the current location. If accepted, the player will leave deploy mode and a deploy animation will begin for the deployable at the target location. Most deployables already dynamically switch colors to indicate validity of a position (blue: good, red: bad), though some do not. This will change as art is completed. In the mean time, there will be some that do not appear at all. You can still click to select a position.
- Channeling: As a deployable is spawned, ensure that you remain stationary as spawning a deployable is a channeled activity. Moving before deployment is complete will result in the deployable destroying itself. This prevents among other things, “drive-by deployment.”
- Energy Networks
- Reactors: There are two types of reactors: deployable reactors and asset (capturable) reactors. Both function as sources of power for nearby deployables. The higher the “Mark” of the reactor, the greater the range, regeneration, and reserve of the reactor. Capturable reactors are effectively a high-mark reactor.
- Regeneration and Reserve: all reactors have passive energy regeneration that works to replenish their reserve. This is also the first line of defense against reactor meltdown. Should the drain of connected deployables exceed the regenerative rate of a reactor (don’t do that unless you want inevitable reactor meltdown), it will begin to drain from the reactor’s reserve energy. Many deployables have active use cost as well as passive energy cost.
- Taxing and Optimal Connections: Should a reactor become bogged down, it will become “Taxed” and new deployables will avoid them unless there are no alternatives available.
- Deployable Theft: If a deployable’s power source has been destroyed, its deployables may be captured by placing your own reactor nearby. Again, deploying a reactor will capture ALL nearby unpowered deployables. If you deploy a deployable near an enemy reactor however, your deployable will remain unpowered until you spawn a friendly reactor.
- Reactor Meltdown: If a reactor reaches zero energy, it will “Meltdown” and will self-destruct.
- Deployable Objects
- Turrets
- Rocket: fires rockets at nearby enemies
- Chain: fires bullets at nearby enemies
- Laser: lasur turrets.. the last unlock.
- Guardian: periodically shoots down enemy fire. Does not make any attempt to shoot down very high velocity fire (chain, plasma).
- Utilities
- Healpad: heals players standing on it
- Ammo Station: refills ammo
- Scanner: detects nearby enemies
- Boost Pad: launches a player at high velocity. This is currently omnidirectional; this will be changed to send the player in the orientation of the pad during testing.
- Disruptor: disables the cores of ALL nearby players (including yourself) for as long as they remain in the radius plus an additional 5 seconds after leaving
- Teleporter: teleports
- Reactors
- Reactor: see 2b above
- Turrets
- Deployment
- Game Modes
- CTF: CTF as we have always known it
- Hunter: hunter has been restored
- CNC: This gamemode goes to 7000 points. Capturing capture points around the map will start slowly adding to a teams score. Main bases have reactors in this mode and are capture-able after 10 minutes Capturing all the spawn points will win the game for a team.
- FCNC: This gamemode goes to 10,000 points. Capturing capture points around the map will start slowly adding to a teams score. Capturing the flag is worth 500 points. The main bases do not become captureable in this mode.
- Team Rabbit: With one flag and two teams, points are scored by passing the flag among your team. The passes are scored on how high, fast and difficult to catch they are, and can be worth up to 240 points.
- Maps
- Sanctuary : The first map to feature capture points. There are four points spread diagonally across the map. Designed mostly for pubs and comfortable at 10v10.
- Capture Points
- To capture a point, a player must be beside the core of a capturable reactor (identified on the IFF by lightning bolts) for an extended period. When they do, a progressbar will appear that will show how “captured” the point is. It takes longer to capture an enemy point than a neutral one. Points may only be captured when only one team is present. If a point is not completely captured before a player leaves, it will slowly neutralize itself until it is completely neutral again. Neutralization occurs more quickly than capture.
- CP’s also function as energy networks
- CP’s have their own deployables called “assets.” These cannot be fully destroyed but can be damaged to the point of dysfunction. They can be repaired and will auto-repair whenever the point switches hands
- Spawn Selection : by pressing a custom-bound key, players may bring up a spawn selection screen whereupon they can spawn at any friendly capture point or their base
- Weapons
- Repair Gun: added; repairs deployables and assets
- Plasma: self impulse has been nerfed
- Blaster Rifle: now lights players on fire
- Main Menu: redesigned; functionally identical
- Game Menu: redesigned; functionally identical in most regards though many new keybindings have been added, so you’ll want to take a look at that.
- HUD: while many new features have been added, the HUD still maintains much of the same functionality as before in the same general locations.
- Status bars are now dynamic and can be centered if desired.
- Playing as an engy will display nearby reactors and their status.
- IFF has been updated to support capture point assets (this is likely to change in many ways throughout testing)
- Critical game objectives and game status elements have been shuffled around
- coresHud has been moved to the center-top of the screen and completely redesigned on a core-by-core basis for better aesthetic appeal as well as accommodating things such as Engy which the previous version could not have adequately supported.